Ron Jean-Francois

a bridge and a mountain in the distance viewed from another, smaller bridge

About Me

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Like most kids I enjoyed video games growing up. My passion for games led me to learn how to modify some of my favorites like Pokemon, and The Sims. Getting the chance to see my own code input change the game in real-time, instead of waiting for someone else’s version like usual fueled my interest in the programming behind games and applications.

My first experience with web development was in a class in highschool where I designed a fan page for my favorite basketball player. It wasn’t much but the ability to create and customize a website really intrigued me and I’ve been hooked to programming ever since.

When I’m not trying to catch them all or catching up on basketball, you can find me behind my computer desk. Im very passionate about technology and I love taking things apart and figuring out how they work. I also enjoy fixing old cars and playing basketball whenever I have some free time to get outdoors. I used to go camping every summer when I was a boy scout. It’s something I still do to this day because I enjoy it and it keeps me grounded.

Favorite Video Games🕹️: 
* Stardew Valley
* Skyrim
* Pokemon HeartGold
Favorite Movies📽️: 
* The Intouchables(2011)
* The Dark Knight(2008)
* Training Day(2001)
Favorite TV Shows📺: 
* The Wire
* Criminal Minds
Favorite Books📚:
* A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L'Engle
* The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X with Alex Haley
* The Stranger by Albert Camus
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